About the game:

Shadow Delivery is a RPG game set in a XIX century.
"Alchemy-punk" alternative reality in which instead of a industrial revolution we had an alchemical revolution.

In this game you play as Mikut a alchemical university drop-out, that couldn't continue his studies due to his poor financial situation. He needs to earn money but can't find a good job in alchemical field, since he doesn't have an university degree.

So in a act of desperation he decides to apply for a very dangerous position of a alchemical courier in a Arch Alchemy Corporation's factory.

This job will be neither safe nor well paid.

But will YOU manage?

You can of course find this out by playing the game!

About the creators:

we are a group of high school programmers from Poland
that got together and decided that spending our summer on making a game for a game jam will be a good idea.

The Dream Team:

  • KubiBubi - The head programmer, and one of the writers, aka the one that designed all of this game's features and systems, and put together all of the games levels.

  • DrXther - The head graphics designer, responsible for ALL the animations and textures. If a texture wasn't made by them, then he at last consulted it's design process.

  • Malonzo - The composer, programmer for the game, the person responsible for the banger OST (really go play the game and listen to it, it's good), he also fixed a lot of bugs and refactored the code to be more readable and functional.

If for some reason the GDD link in the downloadable files doesn't work you can check it out Here!


Game Design Document


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Cool game. Soundtrack is real banger. The Dream Team did a great job

Thank you for your kind words. We're happy that you liked it!